
Experience the Authentic Flavors of India with Sadguna Masale

Our products are crafted with passion and a commitment to quality, ensuring that every dish you prepare with Sadguna Masale is flavorful and delicious. We believe that spices are the soul of any Indian dish, which is why we take great care to ensure that each of our products is of the highest quality.


Sales Policy of Sadguna Masale

Salient Features of Sales Policy

1. Guiding Sales Team: The Sales Policy serves as a guidebook for the sales team, providing clear instructions on sales processes, targets, strategies, and customer engagement. It establishes a framework to ensure consistency and alignment within the sales department, enabling employees to perform their roles effectively.

2. Standardized Sales Practices: The policy sets forth standardized practices and procedures that all sales representatives must adhere to. This promotes uniformity in how sales activities are conducted, ensuring that customers receive a consistent and professional experience across the board.

3. Performance Measurement: The Sales Policy defines sales targets, goals, and key performance indicators (KPIs). It enables the organization to measure and evaluate the performance of the sales team against these benchmarks. This helps identify areas of strength and areas that require improvement, facilitating targeted training and coaching interventions.

4. Customer Satisfaction: The Sales Policy emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs, building relationships, and delivering exceptional customer service. By following the policy, the sales team can enhance customer satisfaction levels, leading to customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

5. Compliance and Ethics: The Sales Policy outlines ethical guidelines and compliance requirements that sales representatives must adhere to while interacting with customers, competitors, and stakeholders. It ensures that sales activities are conducted with integrity, fairness, and respect for legal and regulatory obligations.

6. Sales Team Alignment: The Sales Policy helps align the sales team with the overall business objectives, strategies, and values of Sadguna Masale. It ensures that sales efforts are in sync with the company's mission, vision, and brand positioning, fostering a cohesive and unified approach towards achieving organizational goals.

7. Risk Management: The Sales Policy addresses potential risks and challenges associated with sales activities, such as pricing, discounts, contractual obligations, and competitive practices. By establishing guidelines and controls, it mitigates risks and safeguards the company's reputation, financial interests, and legal compliance.

8. Continuous Improvement: The Sales Policy serves as a foundation for continuous improvement initiatives within the sales function. It allows for the identification of areas of improvement, implementation of best practices, and the development of innovative sales strategies to stay competitive in the market.

In summary, the Sales Policy of Sadguna Masale plays a crucial role in providing structure, guidance, and direction to the sales team. It ensures consistency, performance evaluation, customer satisfaction, compliance, and alignment with organizational goals. By following the policy, Sadguna Masale can enhance its sales effectiveness, customer relationships, and overall business success.

Sales Reporting Policy

The Sales Reporting Policy at Sadguna Masale aims to ensure accurate and consistent reporting of sales activities and results. This policy provides guidelines for all sales team members to follow in order to maintain transparency, track performance, and facilitate effective decision-making within the organization.

Timely and Accurate Reporting:
a. Sales team members are required to submit their sales reports on a regular basis, as specified by the company's reporting schedule.
b. Reports should be accurate, complete, and submitted within the designated timeframe to enable timely analysis and assessment of sales performance.

Reporting Components:
a. Sales team members must include relevant information in their sales reports, such as:

Sales volume: The quantity of products sold.
Revenue: The total sales value generated.
Customer information: Details about customers or accounts, including new leads, existing customers, and prospects.
Sales activities: A summary of sales activities conducted, including meetings, presentations, and negotiations.
Market insights: Any relevant market trends, competitor activities, or customer feedback.
b. The reporting format and template will be provided by the company to ensure consistency and ease of analysis.

Sales Targets and Performance Metrics:
a. Sales team members should report their progress towards assigned sales targets, including both individual and team goals.
b. Key performance metrics, such as conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and customer retention rates, should be included in the reports to evaluate sales performance effectively.

Data Confidentiality and Security:
a. Sales reports may contain sensitive information about customers, sales strategies, and market insights. It is imperative to maintain the confidentiality and security of such data.
b. Sales team members must adhere to the company's data protection and privacy policies when handling and sharing sales reports, both internally and externally.

Communication and Collaboration:
a. Sales reports should be shared with the relevant stakeholders, including sales managers, executives, and other team members involved in the sales process.
b. Regular team meetings or discussions should be conducted to review sales reports, address challenges, share best practices, and align strategies.

Performance Evaluation and Feedback:
a. Sales reports serve as a basis for evaluating individual and team performance.
b. Sales managers will provide feedback, guidance, and support based on the analysis of sales reports to enhance performance and achieve sales targets.

Compliance and Consequences:
a. Sales team members must comply with this Sales Reporting Policy and any additional reporting guidelines established by the company.
b. Failure to comply with the policy may result in corrective measures, including training, coaching, or disciplinary action.

Note: This Sales Reporting Policy provides a general framework for sales reporting at Sadguna Masale. Sales team members should refer to the official sales reporting guidelines and consult with their sales managers or the designated department for any specific instructions or updates regarding sales reporting procedures.

Sales Target Achievement Policy

The Sales Target Achievement Policy at Sadguna Masale outlines the guidelines and expectations for sales team members regarding the achievement of sales targets. This policy aims to drive performance, motivate sales professionals, and ensure alignment with organizational objectives.

Clear Sales Targets:
a. Sales targets will be set for each sales team member, taking into account business objectives, market conditions, and individual capabilities.
b. Targets should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to provide clarity and focus.

Target Communication and Understanding:
a. Sales team members will be informed of their targets in a timely manner, preferably at the beginning of the designated period.
b. Sales managers will explain the targets, provide relevant context, and address any questions or concerns to ensure a clear understanding.

Individual and Team Accountability:
a. Sales team members are accountable for achieving their individual sales targets.
b. The team as a whole shares collective responsibility for achieving overall sales goals and objectives.

Sales Performance Monitoring:
a. Regular monitoring and tracking of sales performance will be conducted to assess progress towards targets.
b. Sales managers will provide feedback, guidance, and support to help sales team members improve their performance and meet their targets.

Sales Support and Resources:
a. The necessary resources, such as product information, marketing materials, training, and sales tools, will be provided to enable sales team members to effectively pursue their targets.
b. Sales professionals should proactively communicate their resource requirements to sales managers to ensure optimal support.

Performance Review and Recognition:
a. Periodic performance reviews will be conducted to evaluate individual and team performance against sales targets.
b. High-performing sales team members who consistently achieve or exceed their targets will be recognized and rewarded appropriately, in line with the company's recognition and reward policies.

Performance Improvement and Development:
a. In cases where sales team members are consistently not meeting their targets, performance improvement plans (PIPs) may be implemented.
b. PIPs should include specific actions, goals, and timelines to support the development and improvement of sales performance.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
a. Sales team members are encouraged to collaborate, share best practices, and support each other in achieving their targets.
b. Regular sales meetings, brainstorming sessions, or training programs may be organized to foster a culture of collaboration and continuous learning.

Compliance and Consequences:
a. Sales team members are expected to comply with this Sales Target Achievement Policy.
b. Failure to meet sales targets without a valid reason may result in performance-related consequences, including performance improvement plans, reassignment of targets, or in severe cases, termination of employment.

Note: This Sales Target Achievement Policy provides a general framework for target setting and achievement at Sadguna Masale. Sales team members should refer to the official sales guidelines, performance management policies, and consult with their sales managers or the designated department for any specific instructions or updates related to sales targets and performance evaluation processes.

It is essential for all stakeholders of Sadguna Masale to regularly review and familiarize themselves with the company's policies. These policies serve as important guidelines and standards for conducting business, ensuring a safe and productive work environment. We would like to emphasize that all policies, including but not limited to the Code of Conduct, HR policies, and operational procedures, are available on our official website, www.sadguna.in. We encourage every employee to visit the website and thoroughly review these policies to ensure compliance and understanding. Regularly staying updated with the policies will help promote consistency, adherence to best practices, and the overall success of our organization.

Sales Plan Policy - Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly, and Annual Basis

The Sales Plan Policy at Sadguna Masale defines the guidelines and expectations for creating and executing sales plans on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and annual basis. This policy aims to establish a structured approach to drive sales growth, monitor progress, and achieve organizational sales objectives.

Sales Planning Process:
a. Sales team members, in collaboration with their sales managers, will develop comprehensive sales plans for different timeframes.
b. The sales planning process should involve analyzing historical data, market trends, customer insights, and considering input from various stakeholders.

Monthly Sales Plan:
a. Monthly sales plans should be created at the beginning of each month to outline specific sales targets, strategies, and action plans.
b. The plan should include details such as target revenue, product focus, target customer segments, and key activities to be executed during the month.

Quarterly Sales Plan:
a. Quarterly sales plans should be developed at the beginning of each quarter, aligning with the overall sales objectives and strategies.
b. These plans should include detailed revenue targets, product or service priorities, sales tactics, promotional activities, and resource allocation for the quarter.

Half-Yearly Sales Plan:
a. Half-yearly sales plans should be formulated at the beginning of each six-month period, taking into account market dynamics and long-term goals.
b. These plans should encompass broader revenue targets, market expansion strategies, major campaigns, customer retention initiatives, and resource planning for the respective half-year.

Annual Sales Plan:
a. The annual sales plan should be developed at the beginning of each fiscal year, aligning with the company's overall business objectives and sales targets.
b. The plan should provide a comprehensive overview of revenue goals, market penetration strategies, product or service development initiatives, budget allocation, and key performance indicators for the entire year.

Performance Monitoring and Tracking:
a. Sales managers will closely monitor and track the progress of sales plans at regular intervals, ensuring alignment with the set objectives.
b. Performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) should be established to measure the effectiveness and success of the sales plans.

Plan Evaluation and Adjustments:
a. Sales plans should be periodically evaluated to assess their performance and identify areas for improvement.
b. Based on the evaluation, necessary adjustments or modifications should be made to the sales plans to ensure continued alignment with changing market conditions or business requirements.

Reporting and Review:
a. Sales team members will be required to provide regular updates and reports on the progress and results of the sales plans.
b. Periodic reviews with sales managers will be conducted to analyze the performance, address challenges, and make informed decisions for future planning and strategies.

Compliance and Consequences:
a. Sales team members are expected to adhere to this Sales Plan Policy and actively participate in the development and execution of sales plans.
b. Failure to comply with the policy or consistently underperforming against the set sales plans may result in performance-related consequences, including performance improvement plans, realignment of targets, or in severe cases, termination of employment.

Note: This Sales Plan Policy provides a general framework for sales planning at Sadguna Masale. Sales team members should refer to the official sales guidelines, strategic plans, and consult with their sales managers or the designated department for any specific instructions or updates regarding sales planning processes and timelines.

Non-Achievement of Sales Target Policy

Non-Achievement of Sales Target Policy at Sadguna Masale establishes guidelines and procedures for sales targets achievement. This policy aims to incentivize and motivate employees to meet their sales goals and align their efforts with the company's overall performance objectives.

Sales Targets:
a. Sadguna Masale will set clear, measurable, and achievable sales targets for each sales representative or team.
b. Sales targets may be determined on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, depending on the company's sales cycle and business objectives.

Performance Assessment:
a. Performance against sales targets will be regularly assessed and monitored.
b. Assessments may include analysis of sales reports, revenue generated, customer feedback, and other relevant performance indicators.

Salary Deduction Threshold:
a. A predetermined threshold of 80% of the sales target has been established by the company.
b. The threshold may be reset/set as a percentage of the sales target or based on other agreed-upon criteria.

Salary Deduction Percentage:
a. If an employee fails to meet the established sales target and falls below the threshold, then the monthly salary paid to to the employee will be decided by the management by taking into account his puctuality, reporting details, timely submission of report, feedback from market and the generation of leads.
b. The decision taken by mangement shall be communicated to employees ensuring transparency.
c. However, in case of zero sales figure in any particular month, the Management will take a final call on the salary of the employee.

Salary Deduction Period:
a. Salary deductions will be applied for a specified period, such as the following month or pay period, to reflect the non-achievement of sales targets.
b. The duration of the salary deduction period will be determined and communicated to employees.

Performance Improvement and Support:
a. Employees who experience salary deductions due to non-achievement of sales targets will be provided with support and resources to help improve their performance.
b. Support may include additional training, coaching, sales strategies, or mentoring to enhance their skills and increase the likelihood of meeting future targets.

Appeals and Disputes:
a. Employees have the right to appeal the salary deduction decision if they believe there are valid grounds for reconsideration or if they believe the assessment was unfair or inaccurate.
b. The appeals process will be clearly defined and communicated to employees, ensuring a fair and impartial review of their concerns.

The salary deduction information and performance results will be treated with confidentiality and shared only with authorized personnel involved in the assessment and payroll processes.

Not Attending Phone Calls of Manager Policy

The Not Attending Calls of Manager during Working Hours Policy at Sadguna Masale establishes guidelines and expectations regarding the response to calls from managers or supervisors during an employee's designated working hours. This policy aims to promote effective communication, collaboration, and timely resolution of work-related matters within the organization.

Availability and Responsiveness:
a. Employees are expected to be available and responsive to calls from their managers or supervisors during their designated working hours, unless otherwise specified or in exceptional circumstances.
b. Availability includes having the mobile phone turned on and within reach to promptly respond to calls or notifications.

Prioritization of Calls:
a. Employees should prioritize calls from their managers or supervisors, especially if they are work-related and require immediate attention or response.
b. Non-urgent personal calls should be avoided during working hours to maintain focus and productivity.

Communication Channels:
a. The organization may establish specific communication channels or platforms for employees to receive and respond to work-related calls or messages from their managers or supervisors.
b. These channels may include phone calls, voicemail, email, instant messaging platforms, or other approved communication tools.

Managing Unavailability:
a. In exceptional circumstances when an employee is unable to attend calls from their manager or supervisor during working hours, they should inform their manager in advance or as soon as possible, providing a valid reason for their unavailability.
b. Managers should be notified of any anticipated unavailability, such as attending meetings, being engaged in tasks that require full concentration, or being in areas with limited phone reception.

Call Back or Follow-up:
a. If an employee misses a call from their manager or supervisor during working hours, they should promptly return the call or follow up through the designated communication channels, providing an appropriate explanation for the delay.
b. Employees should make a reasonable effort to ensure that missed calls are acknowledged and addressed within a reasonable timeframe.

a. Employees should maintain the confidentiality of any work-related matters discussed during calls with their managers or supervisors.
b. Any sensitive information or discussions should be treated with discretion and shared only with authorized individuals as required.

Consequences of Non-Compliance:
a. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary actions, as outlined in the organization's Discipline Policy.
b. Disciplinary actions may include verbal or written warnings, suspension, or other appropriate measures depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.

Communication and Awareness:
a. Sadguna Masale will communicate this policy to all employees, ensuring their understanding of the expectations and consequences related to attending calls from managers during working hours.
b. The policy may be included in the employee handbook, posted on internal communication channels, or communicated through training sessions or meetings.

Review and Amendments:
a. This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.
b. Amendments or updates to the policy may be made based on changing communication technologies, work requirements, or legal considerations.

Note: This Not Attending Calls of Manager During Working Hours Policy provides a general framework for managing communication with managers or supervisors at Sadguna Masale. Specific details, exceptions, and procedures may vary based on the organization's requirements, job roles, and operational needs. Employees should refer to the official HR handbook or consult with the HR department for detailed and up-to-date information regarding communication policies and guidelines.

Incentive Policy

Achieving more than the targeted sales value is an exceptional accomplishment that deserves recognition and rewards at Sadguna Masale. In such cases, the organization may implement additional incentives or recognition programs to acknowledge and motivate employees who surpass their sales targets. These programs can include the following:

Performance Bonuses: Employees who exceed their sales targets by a significant margin may be eligible for performance bonuses. These bonuses can be a percentage of the additional sales value achieved or a fixed amount determined by the organization.

Commission Enhancements: The commission structure can be enhanced for employees who consistently achieve or exceed their sales targets. This can involve increasing the commission percentage or introducing tiered commission levels for surpassing specific milestones.

Recognition and Awards: Sadguna Masale can establish a recognition program to publicly acknowledge and celebrate employees who achieve outstanding sales results. This can involve awards, certificates, or other forms of recognition that highlight their exceptional performance.

Career Advancement Opportunities: Employees who consistently exceed their sales targets can be considered for career advancement opportunities within the organization. This can include promotions to higher-level sales positions, leadership roles, or opportunities to work on strategic projects.

Special Incentive Programs: Sadguna Masale may introduce special incentive programs, such as sales contests or incentive trips, to reward employees who consistently go above and beyond their sales targets. These programs provide additional motivation and a sense of friendly competition among the sales team.

Skill Development and Training: Employees who consistently achieve exceptional sales results can be offered additional skill development and training opportunities. This investment in their professional growth can further enhance their performance and contribute to their long-term success.

It is important for Sadguna Masale to communicate these additional incentives and recognition programs clearly to the sales team. Transparency and fairness in the implementation of these programs will foster a positive and competitive sales culture, motivating employees to strive for continuous improvement and surpass their sales targets consistently.

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A Registered Trademark of Pure and Tasty Foods Pvt Ltd

SS-304 German Technology Plant.

"Elevate your culinary creations with Sadguna Masale's rich and diverse spices."

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